Park Lane Jewelry Open House

Sep 25   06:30 PM   Patti and Stephen Wagster

Show Details

ATTENTION !!!!!! I`m resending because I had the date wrong ! Friday the 25TH not Thurs. the 24Th .....So sorry for the confusion ..Please join me for an evening of Fun, Fashion,Wine and Cheese, and door prizes galore ! I have some amazing deals going on through the end of the month which is why I chose this date ,you don`t want to miss it! If you haven`t seen our new Fall and Winter Line in person you are in for a treat! At 7pm we will be playing 5 games of Bingo for some amazing pieces (trust me) in addition to door prizes throughout the evening .Bring a friend get extra Blingo cards for each guest you bring !I Look forward to seeing you ! Let me know your fav Wine and I will be sure and have some :) If you cannot attend and you place an online order you will be included in door prizes, just go to and list my name as hostess.
Thank you,

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Hosted By

Patti and Stephen Wagster

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