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Last Chance

Vangie and Lawrence

 (910) 270-6115

Leaders of Park Lane`s Diamonds and Dreams Team, Vangie and Lawrence have each come from individual Park Lane careers to join each other as a team in business and in life. While it was a cold Feburary day outside in 1981 when Vangie joined the Park Lane family, it was definitely a warm day inside as she welcomed friends and family over to preview her start up selection of sparkling jewels! Two years later in 1983, Vangie was one recruit short of earning a trip to Alcapulco. The host for her show that afternoon was none other than today`s business partner, Lawrence. As the show concluded, she shared that had he done the show that afternoon he would have made right at $200.00. Impressed but not convinced, Lawrence simply replied: "I see". As she was about to leave, Vangie shared that she only needed one more qualified recruit to her her trip, and how the show that afternoon was more than half way to Lawrence being qualified should he choose to join.....The rest as they say, is history!! Welcome to our Park Lane site. Check out the rest of the story by getting to know us!!

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